Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Successfully Finding The Juicy Deals Without Competition

The latest news from my "MIT" (Millionaire In Training) is that he just spent about $1500 mailing out to 4,000 prospects this week.

I'm so proud. He's going to be making a bunch of money in just a few weeks. Usually, the newbies start out with such baby steps, and the results are so minuscule up front that they want to quit before they even get going.

Do you know what the average small business start-up cost is? It's around $100,000. So even if MIT spends $5,000 in postage while overcomes the learning curve, and pitches "Sub2" deals for a couple of months before he makes his first $10,000 of the $50,000 in equity he's likely to capture, he's still so far ahead of the average business starter-upper that it's sinful. Imagine if MIT just finds four deals this year and grosses $50,000 each deal. That's $200,000. Not bad for a "tiny" postage bill.

If you would like to learn what MIT is doing to make money click here >>> "Screw The Bank!"

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